Throughout life we go through periods of change and cycles.

Usually when we begin something we are full of hope and excitement but when something comes to an end our feelings can be somewhat mixed. This is a stand alone guided meditation, EFT tapping and Crystal Healing session to clear out the old energies and leave behind anything which does not serve you and does not need bringing forward in the life you wish to create yourself.

Join Marie and Felicia in a beautifully calming and peaceful safe space. Take some time for yourself, we would love to share this powerful and healing meditation with you and support you in our members only Facebook group.

A Beautiful healing session to close out and finish chapters of life and move on freely to whatever is next. The natural cycles of the year – months, calendar years, seasons, the celtic wheel, whatever you are drawn to this meditation will help you move from one to the next & leave behind all that you do not want to take forwards. This is a session that also helps as other cycles in ones life come to an end or as we experience shifts – relationships ending, moving home, moving jobs, finishing education, children moving out…. those big life events that deserve their own recognition in the book of life & that you might want to hold space to end properly.